The house that was pristine in time for Christmas is now a disheveled mess. The garage door broke and now it is a 150-pound dead lift every morning to feed the chickens. I tweaked my back taking the kids for a hike on an icy trail. I haven’t done a sun salutation since the solstice. I am behind on several work projects because I did not work last week. And as a family we have gone cold turkey and taken refined sugar out of our diets for the month of January; we are currently in the withdrawal phase of that detox.
Om. Omm. OmmmmMG.
That’s about as spiritual as things have felt around here so far in January. Because of the pressure of work stuff piling up, the laundry and dishes piling up, I almost didn’t write this post. And then it occurred to me - I can still be nice to myself, even when things feel crappy. I can still make space for spirit, even when I feel as spiritual as a soda can. I don’t have to be a poster child for enlightenment or serenity to practice self-care.
I can write - even if it’s a short post with a few grammar errors.
I can stretch - even if it's mostly child’s pose.
I can smile - even if my eyes are tired and my bones weary.
So maybe now that January is actually here, I can set the intention of good enough - letting go of expectations. I can be kind to myself and take the time to notice how it feels. I can sit in silence and appreciate having the house to myself.
The noticing, the appreciating - that’s the pause that creates space. Space for growth, for compassion, for spirit to enter.
Now, in this moment, I am refreshed.
May you also find a moment to pause and be refreshed.