The good news is that this time we’ve stayed in the same community, so it’s just a change of location. Everyone gets to keep their schools and friends and sports routines.
What this move has really highlighted for me is my relationship with stuff. Even though we’ve paired down with each move, it still felt like the packing was endless. And now that we’re here, unpacking and finding a place for each thing feels daunting.
Do we really need eight wheely suitcases in varying sizes? Probably not, unless we move abroad again. And that option isn’t off the table, so I guess we’ll keep the suitcases. Do I really need a waffle iron to make waffles about six times per year? No, but it is nice to be able to make waffles when the mood hits.
At some point last year, I wrote about the state of my desk reflecting the state of my mind. And I think this works in other parts of the house, too. If my drawers are jammed, my thoughts and creative process might be jammed. If I am struggling to find the right kitchen utensil amidst a cluttered and tangled mess, I’ll probably also have trouble distilling what’s in my awareness.
I totally get the Less Is More thing. And I still have trouble letting things go. Because what if I want it down the road and it’s no longer here?
(reflective pause)
Well, I guess I’ll wish I had it.
(longer reflective pause)
And then I’ll move on.
Is my grandchild really going to be interested in a bright green gymnastics jacket with patches indicating State Champs 1982 - 1984 and my name embroidered on the sleeve? Probably not.
Is my world going to fall apart if I have a hankering for waffles one day and no waffle iron? Unlikely.
I might be disappointed that I gave away my waffle iron on one level. On another level, my system might be breathing more easily because there is more space in the kitchen.
Perhaps more spaciousness on the outside invites more spaciousness on the inside. I notice myself breathing a little deeper just writing that. Kind of like stepping off the trail at an overlook - an expansive view invites an expansive breath. All systems check. All is right with the world.
So, which will I choose? A deep, expansive breath available daily or an every other month waffle?
Sorry, kids, how about french toast?
What is your relationship with stuff? How are you with letting go? How does this serve you and how does it get in the way?

Jessica or want to invite her to work with your group, reach out to start a conversation.